Isolation Room Differential Pressure for COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic raises concerns, properly monitoring isolation room airflow is more critical than ever. A reliable differential pressure monitoring system is the driving force behind ensuring patient and staff safety. Taking the necessary precautions to maintain a protective environment’s sanctity during the coronavirus outbreak is a priority.  What is an Isolation Room? Airborne Infection Isolation

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SensoScientific Wins Contract with Vizient for its Breakthrough Temperature Monitoring System

SensoScientific Inc, a market leader in Wireless Environmental Monitoring for the life science and Healthcare Industry, announced as of Fall of 2017 that its Wireless Temperature Monitoring and other environmental monitoring products are available to Vizient, the nation’s largest healthcare GPO. Mike Zarei, Vice president of Business Development, commented: “As compliance becomes more targeted in keeping patients safe,

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SensoScientific Exhibits at the Premier Annual Breakthroughs Conference

The Hottest Wireless Temperature Systems for Healthcare When’s the last time you saw a thermometer in person? If you’ve seen one recently, somebody needs to upgrade. The ever-increasing demand for storing medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine products has been met with the uncompromising efficiency of the digital, wireless age. The solution that stemmed from combining these

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New Wireless Temperature Monitor Showcased at ASHP Midyear Exhibit

The SensoScientific sales team participated in the ASHP Midyear exhibit earlier this month to share information about its new CDC compliant wireless temperature monitoring sensors with an onboard display. The state-of-the-art sensor is one of SensoScientific’s newest products specifically made for the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Pharmacists, medical university officials, and health industry leaders

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UCLA Selects SensoScientific

SensoScientific cloud monitoring holds promise for research and life sciences data acquisition and lab automation. UCLA and other leading national academic research institutions select SensoScientific cloud monitoring. One of the major challenges for the research and life science industry has been safeguarding their research valuables and remote monitoring of critical parameters such as temperature, humidity,

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