June 14, 2023

The Benefits of Long Range 900 MHZ Monitoring

Most medications need to be stored somewhere with a temperature between 59 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit

If this temperature fluctuates, then the medications could be damaged and not be useful anymore. Thankfully, there are ways that you can monitor the temperature with long-range 900 MHz monitoring. 

This system is actually the most efficient way to monitor the temperature readings and transmit data to the right receivers. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how this system can benefit your business and keep track of accurate readings, keep reading! 

What Is Wireless Monitoring?

Wireless monitoring systems have slowly become more popular, but there are many spectrums of wireless. There are many different radio frequencies that can transmit information like temperature readings to other applications. 

Two of the most common protocols are WiFi and 900 MHz. WiFi normally runs on about 2.4 GHz. 900 MHz is normally referred to as such, but its band ranges between 902 to 928 MHz. 

WiFi is one of the more common wireless transmitting systems, but it may not be enough for hospitals and laboratories that need to transmit important information. Using 900 MHz has many benefits, but it is another network that an IT system will have to manage. 

This makes wireless monitoring a great solution for laboratory temperature monitoring, pharmaceutical medication monitoring, blood banks, vaccine manufacturers, and other shipment and distribution centers. 

Why Choose 900 MHZ Monitoring?

Both WiFi and 900 MHz operate in an unlicensed spectrum, according to the FCC. This is also sometimes referred to as frequency bands. 

Each of these protocols has different standards that they need to adhere to. These standards are typically associated with their operating frequencies. 

The standard WiFi 2.4 GHz makes it a better option if you’re going to transmit a large amount of data over a network. This frequency can transfer about 150 megabits per second. 

Some of the technology that might be better used for the 2.4 GHz is medical imaging, accessing patient records, and streaming multimedia. 

The lower frequency 900 MHz is better for smaller amounts of data. It can transfer about 25 kilobits per second. This means it uses less energy, and it can also transmit messages through a farther range. 

The applications that use the 900 MHz might be machine-to-machine communications. For example, this is when temperature and lab monitoring might be useful to send small pieces of data.

You might assume that being able to transmit more data is a good thing, but that’s not always true. In the example of temperature monitoring, you only need to send a small payload for it. You don’t need the ability to transfer large amounts of data that WiFi can do. 

A 900 MHz system can match the payload requirements. However, there are many other benefits of using this system. 


When you have a separate channel for WiFi and a separate channel for 900 MHz, then you’ll be able to transmit data more efficiently. The WiFi network will be shared across multiple applications, which could slow it down. 

Staff will need it to access patient imaging and records, and their tasks will likely depend on it. If you’re also trying to transmit important temperature data, it can slow everything down. 

When it’s on its own network, though, it can easily transmit the data without having anything slow it down. Plus, the 900 MHz network is dedicated to supporting temperature reading and logging. 

It is only used by temperature monitoring vendors, and most IT systems don’t worry about it. If anything is wrong with it, you’ll only have to troubleshoot the 900 MHz system, and the rest of the WiFi network can still run as usual without impeding any tasks. 

This benefit alone is enough value for laboratorians, physicians, or manufacturers who need accurate data to do their job and deliver a safe product. 

Network Independence

Your 900 MHz network won’t have to rely on your Wi-Fi system. Instead, it’ll rely on its own system, which makes it even more efficient. 

Because its band is lower frequency, it can operate on a completely different network to provide good coverage in a difficult environment. This reduces the chance of interference with other network frequencies, giving you an excellent connection.

Better Battery Life

Another benefit that makes this frequency useful is that the battery life will last longer. 

Since WiFi has to transmit more data, it has to work harder. This ends up using more battery life. 

However, the 900 MHz only has to transmit temperature readings, so the battery life can actually last for years. The WiFi system will normally only last for months. 

This means that you won’t have to worry about the battery dying on you frequently, and you won’t have to replace it as often either. This ensures that there isn’t as much interruption when it comes to logging the data. Sometimes these devices are also in spots that are harder to reach, so not having to change the batteries frequently can also be advantageous. 

It’ll also reduce the time and cost that you need to maintain the system. This benefit alone makes 900 MHZ worth using over the WiFi system. 

The reduced power consumption will also translate into overall cost savings on your utility bill. The lower power consumption can also increase the life of the device since it won’t have to work harder. 

Network Configurations

WiFi and 900 MHz also use different network configurations, which gives 900 MHz some advantages. A typical WiFi transmitter can cover thousands of square feet indoors.

There can be different access points throughout the hospital that can help to deliver the data over the required range. 

A 900 MHz transmitter covers more square feet, reducing the need to have any boosters or access points. If you have a repeater in your network, it can pick up a signal from any transmitter that is within its range.

This gives you different paths to send the message without needing multiple access points to send the data across. With fewer data transmission points, there are fewer needs for more equipment, which also reduces the amount of maintenance that needs to be done on each device. 

Better Security

When you’re transmitting important and critical information such as temperature readings, you also want to ensure that you have a secure system. 900 MHz can actually be more secure than WiFi. 

It offers enhanced security features because it’s less crowded than a typical WiFi network. This reduces the likelihood of someone getting onto your network and hacking information or taking it over. 

Additionally, there are extra authentication and encryption protocols that are embedded into the network. This makes sending the data safer, and it also prevents unauthorized users from accessing specific information. 

Different Standards

The FCC has different standards that both 900 MHz and WiFi have to operate on. Both of them operate on an unlicensed spectrum, according to the FCC rules. 

Each protocol has different standards they have to comply with in order to transmit the data. The standard for WiFi makes it better for transferring a large amount of data. It operates across a larger network, and it’s optimized for that. 

These standards are there to ensure that the data can actually be transmitted through the frequency so that you have confidence that it will work the way it was intended to. 


The 900 MHz monitoring systems are designed to be compatible with other long-range devices and equipment. It’ll also support standard communication, which makes it easy to switch between monitoring and communication solutions. 

This enables you to upgrade or expand your monitoring without needing to overhaul your entire system. 

Cost Effective

Using a 900 MHz system can actually be a great investment and save you a lot of money in the long run. It’s cheaper than installing a Wi-Fi system, and you’ll end up saving a lot of money with the cost-effective solution. 

The frequency uses cheaper devices and a lower frequency, which reduces the equipment and infrastructure that you need to include in your system. The extended range can also reduce the number of devices you need to purchase and install. With fewer devices, you’ll also have less to maintain and manage. 

You’ll also have cheaper costs to transfer the data. Transferring data over high-frequency or cellular networks can cost a lot of money and add up quickly.

Thankfully, the 900 MHz operates on an unlicensed band, which means that you won’t have to worry about subscription fees or any data plans. You can transmit unlimited data without worrying about going over your allotment for the month. 

If you’re a large organization that is transferring a lot of data, this type of frequency can make sure that you don’t have to worry about any extra expenses. It’ll also make it easier for your company to plan a budget each month.

Penetration Resilience

While 900 MHz does have a longer range than WiFi does, one of the other things that makes it better is that it can go through different obstacles to transmit the data. 

Since it has a lower frequency, it can travel through plants, walls, windows, and any other barriers that would block any high-frequency signals. This makes it great for hospitals or laboratories which might have different rooms, where it needs to pass through different walls.


Having this type of monitoring system allows you to scale up as you need to as well. As your hospital or laboratory grows, you can expand your monitoring capabilities without having to install an entirely new system.

You might need to increase the coverage area or add a few more devices, but overall, everything will run just as it had before. The scalability of this wireless makes it great for any business that is expecting to grow rapidly over the next few months.

When you do grow, it’ll also be cheaper to add a few more devices rather than install an entirely new network. 

Less Interference

One thing that can interrupt the wireless signal range is signal reflection. The lower frequency signals are less susceptible to this interference compared to the higher frequency like WiFi. 

This resistance makes the system more secure and reliable. When you’re transmitting important information, it also reduces the chance that this data will get lost or interrupted. 

The 900 MHz monitoring system will also have systems in place that will reduce this interference. They use strategies like spread spectrum and frequency hopping that can reduce any interference with your wireless system. 

Both of these methods allow the wireless system to adapt to any conditions that could interfere with the transference of data. For example, if there is an environmental condition that would not allow the temperature readings to make it to the receiver, the system will adapt to allow it to pass through while managing the issue. 

Stay Compliant

When you’re dealing with sensitive products that need to be temperature monitored, you may also need to adhere to certain compliance standards. This is especially important in laboratories or medical hospitals. 

They all have different requirements, but you’ll need to ensure you’re compliant. If you’re not, then you could face different fines and fees. This can hinder your business’s function, but you can minimize it by using the right wireless range. 

When you have a reliable wireless monitoring system that runs on a 900 MHz network, then you’ll be able to accurately track all of the temperature readings. You won’t have to worry about any data interference that could threaten your compliance. 

Most monitoring systems that run on a 900 MHZ network are already compliant and secure as well. This makes it easier to show that you follow all of the compliance regulations and avoid any issues or fines.

Get Long-Range 900 MHz Monitoring Today

These are only a few of the benefits that you’ll enjoy with 900 MHz monitoring, but there are many others you’ll enjoy when you install them. 

However, to enjoy all of these benefits, you need to find the right solution provider. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. 

If you’re looking for the right long-range 900 MHZ monitoring solution, contact us today!

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