April 17, 2020
How SensoScientific Tech Is Helping Thwart the Spread of Coronavirus
As the coronavirus, or COVID-19, spreads throughout the world, all the best in medicine and science is coming together to fight it. Companies like SensoScientific are using negative pressure and other technological innovations to make sure our doctors and nurses are safe in hospitals. Our medical workers are our front line in this pandemic. Their safety and
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April 15, 2020
Isolation Room Differential Pressure for COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic raises concerns, properly monitoring isolation room airflow is more critical than ever. A reliable differential pressure monitoring system is the driving force behind ensuring patient and staff safety. Taking the necessary precautions to maintain a protective environment’s sanctity during the coronavirus outbreak is a priority. What is an Isolation Room? Airborne Infection Isolation
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February 20, 2020
The Importance of Environmental Monitoring for Oncology
Patients and healthcare workers can be exposed to hazardous chemicals within an oncology center. This may be an unexpected source of exposure but it is a real threat nonetheless. This could lead to accidental contact with toxic substances. The environmental monitoring of oncology centers could prevent the appearance of side effects. The hospital and clinic
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December 16, 2019
How a VFC Data Logger Can Help You Comply With VFC Regulations
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), programs that distribute vaccines for children (VFC) have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of children around the world and prevented illnesses in millions of others. To save even more lives, it is crucial that we store vaccines in medical-grade refrigerators and freezers. It
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February 28, 2019
The Environmental Benefits of Remote Monitoring: How to Reduce Waste, Reduce Emissions, & Improve Efficiency With Digital Solutions
Technology has been evolving at a rapid rate for years, and the speed it grows only increases every year, which has resulted in developing technology that sometimes gets overlooked. For example, remote monitoring is part of a company’s digital solutions. Remote monitoring is not designed for micromanaging bosses to spy on their employees, nor was
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February 22, 2019
What Does Cloud-Based Temperature Monitoring Do?
75% of laboratory errors occur in the handling and processing phase of a specimen. Human error is the main factor that creates blunders in the lab setting. Collection methods and psychological factors of the person performing the process are two examples. Staffing would be needed around the clock for settings that require temperature monitoring; this introduces the
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January 11, 2019
VFC Data Loggers: Are Your Data Loggers VFC-Compliant?
In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed the vaccine storage requirements for Vaccines for Children (VFC) program providers. The reason behind this change is clear. Review and access to temperature logs are critical. Without them, you cannot determine whether vaccines are at the correct temperature. Proper data logs are also essential for assessing
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December 28, 2018
A Guide to Safe Medical and Lab Refrigeration Storage
Refrigeration revolutionized modern life. However, this innovation meant much more than keeping milk and meat from spoiling. Modern refrigeration has also allowed for great changes in the medical industry. Today, medical laboratories almost always use some kind of refrigeration. This allows for the storage of samples, as well as reagents and other tools used in
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November 9, 2018
Everything You Need to Know About Vaccine Data Loggers
Vaccines are a wonder of the modern world. Many children never have to suffer childhood diseases that were once considered a rite of passage. Dangerous or crippling diseases like polio barely exist. And some diseases, like smallpox, have virtually been eradicated. But vaccines are extremely delicate. In order to remain viable and effective, they must be properly
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October 12, 2018
How to Better Control Your Vaccine Storage Temperatures
Read on for recommendations on how to better control your vaccine storage temperatures. Logistics is the biggest obstacle to getting vaccinations into poorer countries. Why? You must store vaccines in a temperature-controlled environment. Getting them to places like Haiti, for example, presents challenges. Vaccines must travel long distances in hot climates. Maintaining vaccine stability at different
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