January 12, 2021
Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping: Uses and Methodology
Everyone who manufactures, stores, or transports pharmaceuticals must regulate temperatures. One survey looked at how often these companies experience variations. About 44.6 percent of survey participants reported many temperature changes each year.Monthly temperature changes occurred according to 16 percent of respondents. Two of every five or 41 percent of changes were more than four degrees. Another 21
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December 10, 2020
Manual for Compliant Vaccine Temperature Monitoring
Vaccine distribution is far more than administering a vaccine to a patient. From the manufacturer to the medical professional who handles the vaccine, every step of the process must be properly handled. One of the primary considerations is how a medical facility must store the vaccines. Some vaccines require refrigeration, while others require cold storage
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November 5, 2020
Storage of Vaccines: A Guide to Vaccine Temperature Monitoring
As the world faces more threats from viruses than ever and scientists work diligently to create vaccines to help people against these diseases, it’s more important than ever to understand the proper storage of vaccines. Vaccines save lives by preventing people from getting diseases such as the flu, but their efficacy only works if they
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October 28, 2020
Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping: Why Is It Needed?
The Biopharma industry loses about $35 billion annually due to temperature control failures. Does your business produce or handle pharmaceutical products? How confident do you feel in your refrigeration or freezer equipment? It’s important for all biopharma companies to do regular temperature mapping. This decreases lost revenue and the risk of selling harmful or ineffective drugs. Continue
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October 1, 2020
Understanding Calibration Requirements for Digital Data Loggers
We are living in an increasingly data-driven society. Each day, over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced. It’s estimated that there will be more than 1.7 MB of data generated each second for every human on Earth by the end of 2020. Having accurate, high-quality data becomes increasingly important each year, as well. This is true no matter what
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September 26, 2020
Keep Your Medications Safe: All About Pharmaceutical Temperature Monitoring
Time and experience have taught most of us that monitoring the temperature helps keep our medications safe and effective. In fact, pharmaceutical temperature monitoring has become a mandatory measure that the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) and the International Council on Harmonisation (ICH) require. Both the FDA and ICH require medications to have a temperature monitoring
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July 17, 2020
Why Pharmacy Temperature Monitoring Is Important for Medicine Storage
The ideal temperature for most medications is between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this average is around room temperature, different medications have different temperature requirements and recommendations. If medications aren’t kept at the proper temperature, a lot of things can go wrong. In fact, it could cause the medication to become completely altered or not
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March 12, 2020
What Are A2LA Accredited Labs and What Do They Do?
In August of 2019, the CDC shut down operations at a lab dedicated to the study of Ebola, smallpox, and other deadly diseases after discovering containment leaks. Alarming as the leaks were, they were hardly unique. Dangerous bioagents and toxins escaped labs across the United States more than 700 times between 2004 and 2010. In 11
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March 5, 2020
Maintaining Laboratory Temperature and Humidity
When doing precision work, any alteration to the environment, the equipment, or the samples can have cascading effects. Even seasoned veterans run into issues in explaining if their results are possibly contaminated. To do the best laboratory work, one needs to be able to reasonably rely on their results. These are some of the reasons that
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December 16, 2019
How a VFC Data Logger Can Help You Comply With VFC Regulations
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), programs that distribute vaccines for children (VFC) have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of children around the world and prevented illnesses in millions of others. To save even more lives, it is crucial that we store vaccines in medical-grade refrigerators and freezers. It
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