August 17, 2021
A Guide to Laboratory Temperature Monitoring
Achieving and maintaining proper temperature in a laboratory is not as simple as it seems. Remote temperature monitoring systems made headlines last year during the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. The Pfizer vaccine requires a cold storage temperature of -70C.
You must store the Moderna vaccine at -20C. There were many logistical concerns to work out when manufacturing, shipping, and storing lab products. Laboratory temperature monitoring is an important part but is just one way to help maintain a safe environment.
It is imperative to keep the lab at an appropriate temperature for tests to be accurate and reliable. Temperature monitoring also reduces the risk of product failure. Learn about what can happen if the temperatures in your lab fall outside of the recommended range.
Laboratory Temperature Monitoring
There is no overstating the importance of having a clean, cool environment for laboratory equipment. It doesn’t matter if you’re conducting research or diagnosing patients. Laboratory temperature monitoring is essential.
Laboratory temperature monitoring captures that vital information, and it’s put to beneficial use. Information about your lab and how it impacts test results need a few constants for optimization. Effective and efficient test results are part of every lab, hospital, blood bank, or pharmacy needs.
The guide below aids lab workers when learning about tracking processes.
What’s the Setpoint?
There is a setpoint temperature that makes up the best control for lab systems, test results, and product longevity. There is also a way you can manage temperatures within a variety of lab scenarios. The history of laboratory temperature monitoring is as old as the laboratory itself.
Before the 1970’s environmental control systems were generally comprised of a static setpoint. The setpoint was around 20 °C for most applications. As a result, the systems depended on either mechanical or manual processes to adjust temperatures.
Temperature Monitoring Systems
By the end of the 1970s, engineers and researchers alike realized manual temperature management was not enough. At this time, computer-based equipment systems began to emerge in laboratories across America. Computer-based temperature monitoring systems became more reliable at keeping lab temperatures stable.
Computer-based equipment systems mark the beginning of laboratory temperature monitoring. The computer-based equipment systems provided a higher degree of accuracy. The accuracy was in everything from monitoring lab temperatures to measuring CO2.
As a result, researchers realized the critical need to keep lab temperature at pre-determined levels. The combination of digital data collection and computer technology led us into the modern era. A modern era where there is a consistent and constant use of laboratory temperature monitoring systems.
Pharmacy Temperature Monitoring
In today’s world, laboratory temperature monitoring systems need automation. Automation is set for the operating parameters of the following criteria:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO₂ levels
- Open/Closed Doors
- Pressure, and more
In a pharmacy, that’s never more clear when dealing with biotechnology products like drugs or vaccines. Temperature monitoring in a lab needs constant readings, whether it’s remote or onsite. It’s also good to have automated systems that can be manually overridden if needed.
Biotechnology Products and Lab Temperature Monitoring
They can be manually overridden without interruption to workflow processes. Pharmacies show how important this is when dealing with biotechnology products. These are products that need specific conditions.
One example is vaccines that need stable environments, and other clear manual overrides. The passing of federal law under the 21 CFR 211.166 mandate addresses all lab temperature monitoring. The temperature monitoring mandate applies whenever there is the handling of biological products.
Remote Temperature Monitoring Systems
Temperature monitoring equipment allows for consistent temperature and correct range in a lab. This ensures product preservation at specific temperatures during experiments or other activities. Temperature ranges depend on which piece of equipment you are monitoring.
But temperature monitoring becomes vital to systems that use Laminar flow hoods. For example, monitoring becomes vital when using incubators and freezers. Or when there’s a need for hot plates or biological agents such as viral cultures.
Temperature monitoring systems make it possible to collect data with remote monitoring systems. Data that scientists and researchers need.
Remote Sensors Temperature Monitoring
Temperature monitoring systems need sensors for data and temperature reading in remote locations. For example, there are temperature sensors that provide continuous monitoring of temperatures in labs. They track any changes and ensure temperatures stay within an optimal range.
For remote temperature monitoring systems, you need to use sensors that transmit the data from remote locations. Sensors can also track temperatures and collect data from different areas. Then, they can send the data for further analysis and results.
Differential Pressure
Differential pressure sensors measure the difference in air pressures. By measuring this difference, they can determine a certain variable. You can use several different types of these measurements.
The use of differential pressure is sometimes provided for general industrial purposes. It’s ideal when you are using medical equipment or instrumentation. Differential pressure-temperature sensors have high levels of resistance against temperature changes.
Pros of Differential Pressure
You can also use differential pressure-temperature sensors in food processing and handling equipment. These devices are FDA approved, have excellent linearity over the entire operating range. Their accuracy is ±0.5 percent across their full precision.
Cons with Using Differential Pressure
The one constant problem with differential pressure sensors is they are expensive. They are expensive because they need extra protection and mounting mechanisms. Differential pressure-temperature sensors housing is in a device that protects them from moisture.
But it’s the mechanism’s extra cost for fastening them to whatever is being monitored can be hard on budgets.
CO2 uses monitoring systems that collect temperature readings from sensors. It then transmits the data to a central computer. You can also record other indicators like humidity levels for different areas within the facility.
Probes also collect additional sensor information throughout various locations within its system. There are sensors at specific points monitored by the CO2 measurement tools.
The data is analyzed and reported. You can monitor CO2 in HVAC systems and process control rooms too.
Monitoring of C02
You find CO2 emissions in different chambers or rooms used for labs. The data allows scientists to collect CO2 at certain concentrations and temperatures. This provides the most accurate results and measurements.
The data collected allows scientists to track the effectiveness of CO2 emissions in labs. In addition, CO2 concentration data helps to track C02’s potential impact. Especially if there is a CO2 emission into the air where researchers can take measurements.
What Equipment Provides When Measuring C02
When choosing a temperature sensor for this application, you want the system to meet certain requirements. These are:
- Accurate measurements over time
- Reliability
- Durability in all conditions
Calibration before installation is essential, so your accuracy isn’t compromised. Sensor manufacturers recommend calibration of each probe. This reduces errors due to measurement inaccuracy caused by changes in surrounding air pressure.
Water Leak Transmitter
A water leak transmitter is a device that uses an advanced microprocessor to watch and track the flow of liquid. It does this monitoring throughout various locations. The transmitter data includes critical information such as temperature and corrosion levels.
If there are any faults within this system, it’s crucial to have accurate temperatures from all parts of the tank. This ensures accuracy with each reading.
The Purpose of Water Leak Transmitters
Sensors that collect water data depend on what is being monitored. Some of these include:
- Water leak transmitters are used to check water leak rates into the ground
- Temperature sensors inside incubators and thermostats for labs measure temperatures above set limits
- Transmitting signals through RS interfaces
To collect accurate water leak transmitter temperatures, it helps if you use sensors. First, the sensors help check for environmental conditions. But, the sensor is also collecting information about chemical reactions.
Water Leak Detection
Water leaks are detected when certain limits of critical parameters such as pH levels in soil exceed normal values. This is due to leakage events that contaminate groundwater systems. Once the damage to the system occurs, there can be a release of harmful chemicals like chlorine.
Water leak transmitters also collect information through pH sensors. The sensors check the amount of hydrogen ion concentration and oxygen sensors.
Water Leak Transmitters and Chemical Reactions
Collecting accurate water leak temperature data requires transmitters. Their function is simple: take readings from monitoring systems within their reach and send them back for processing. They also track chemical reactions such as electrolytes in solution.
These experiments should never have any problems with one product running into risk because of an experimental error. That’s because there is the prevention of errors when these devices are in use.
Water leak transmitter collects sensors readings such as:
- pH transducers
- Conductivity sensors,
- Monitors electrolytes presence or absence of oxidation
- Reduction reaction in solution
There should never be one experiment at risk or one lab product that runs into any problem. It is crucial that an accurate transmitter system properly monitor every single variable.
Methods of Laboratory Temperature Monitoring
There is a challenge in understanding how lab temperature monitoring impacts experiments. Sensors that monitor the temperatures aren’t always easy to locate. There are also many different types of these sensors, such as:
- Thermocouples,
- Thermistors,
- Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), and
- Junction-based sensor systems.
Understanding how this device impacts various experiments help researchers. Every time one more thing is understood, there is improvement in the system. This helps make the system more effective over time.
Two Main Types of Monitoring Systems
There are two main types of monitoring systems: smart and dumb. Smart monitoring systems collect data in real-time. But smart systems are more expensive when gathering information. They make temperature collection easy.
This monitoring system goes by the name “dumb.” Dumb systems have lower costs associated with them, and it doesn’t take expertise to run the monitoring system software. That means researchers collect large batches of information at low costs.
These systems also collect temperature readings intermittently rather than continuously.
Why You Need a Temperature Monitoring System You Can Trust
Sensors are a more effective way of collecting data than scientists themselves. However, not all sensors are created equal. Some sensors collect the correct temperature in an efficient manner.
Other sensors perform inconsistently instead of continuously. It is important to know about how different types of sensors work so that you can apply them to your own research needs. Some methods may be ineffective if they do not meet certain requirements.
Temperature Accuracy
Scientists collect temperatures with an accuracy of up to two percent. They usually measure temperature at high rates and can get readings accurate to 0.3 degrees Celsius. Scientists can also use sensors that help them gather energy from the environment about a sensor’s data.
There is always room for improvement. Improvement comes when one can ensure all measurements are correct and accurate. But thermistors allow us even greater precision by collecting lab experiments’ precise results.
Smart Laboratory Temperature Monitoring Systems
SensoScientific is the leading manufacturer of laboratory monitoring equipment. You will find their products in thousands of labs around the world. Scientists use them to ensure experiments run smoothly with accurate results every time.
SensoScientific is proud to help countless researchers, students, and professionals achieve success. They achieve this success through innovative solutions. As a result, SensoScientific is an excellent choice for all scientists.
Their products are available in many sizes and options. The range of products and services make them suitable for any room or desk space. SensoScientific has a unique laboratory temperature monitoring system.
It is a system that you customize to your specific needs.
Finding Which Monitoring System You Need
The vast majority of the time, no two scientific experiments are exactly alike. SensoScientific has systems that collect temperatures of 100 readings per second. SensoScientific also offers comprehensive solutions.
Comprehensive lab equipment for collecting and measuring vital details in research is critical. When you reach out to SensoScientific, they have a laboratory temperature monitoring system that works for you at the price you need. SensoScientific is your answer when it comes to lab temperature monitoring equipment.
Contact us today to find out more about our temperature monitoring systems that work as hard as you do.