March 8, 2019

Here is What You are Missing if You Have not Upgraded to Saas Cloud Yet

Once a niche subject among IT experts, cloud computing is now a core component of business vernacular. The concept has made its way into advertising campaigns and everyday speech about mobile devices, so it is likely, you have some familiarity with the cloud already. To keep up with the competition and as an obligation to your employees and customers, business operators should always choose the best, most secure, and user-friendly tools to make everything run smoothly. This not only satisfies the demands of your customers but also allows your employees to focus on their jobs, rather than spending extra time on administrative tasks. Cloud computing can be divided into the following three distinct categories: software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This article will primarily discuss the benefits of SaaS cloud services and how they can benefit your business. Without further ado, here is what you are missing out on if you have not yet upgraded to Saas Cloud.

Fast and Easy Adoption

According to research from KPMG, 70 percent of organizations suffered at least one project failure in 2012. While 50 percent of respondents claimed that their project consistently failed to achieve the goal that they set out to achieve. Installing, migrating, testing, and deploying different software can be time-consuming and complicated, making on-site storage more of a pain than it’s worth. IT professionals must get together and meticulously plan out the integration and migration of data that is seamless enough to avoid disrupting business. Infrastructure is also a significant concern with on-site storage since IT professionals need to ensure it can support the application without substantial downtime. Alternatively, Saas Cloud services have a fast and easy adoption, with all of the problematic parts handled for you by cloud service providers. You do not have to worry about adopting or upgrading your system, and neither does your IT team.

Money-Saving Opportunity

As opposed to systems that are kept on-site, the initial costs of a cloud-based setup are much lower because you only need to install the software and easily access it through the internet. Although the initial implementation takes much less time than an on-site solution, you still have to factor in time, including training and support, when budgeting for SaaS. The platform itself and correspondent consulting firm will have its own support rates, meaning you should review prices carefully to determine which option will save you the most money.

No Maintenance Necessary

Unlike hardware, Saas Cloud services do not require maintenance or repairs. If you ever need to recover from an unexpected system failure, cloud services deliver several timed incremental backups for the convenience and protection of you and your customers. You are unlikely to experience any downtime in the event of a system failure since most software providers have a larger workforce than the average company using their services. Alternatively, your IT department would spend a significant amount of money maintaining a system on-site; including administering regular checkups. In addition to these checkups, your IT team would have to conduct full disaster recovery tests to ensure you are not backing up corrupted data. Finally, properly ventilating your servers and hardware would also add up quickly, taking away from your bottom line.

Personalized Service and System Upgrades

Since your cloud service provider will regularly upgrade their software, you can count on having the most cutting-edge systems without having to reimplement or re-customize the features that pertain specifically to your business. Your customizations will always be applied to future versions of the software. Although certain software on-site can be customized, the customizations are not easily transferrable to future versions. Alternatively, if your system is installed locally on workstations, your IT team would have to upgrade the system by testing all customizations and redeploying the entire system across each user’s computer.

Extra Space

Who couldn’t use more space? With Saas Cloud services, you no longer need to take up space you would otherwise need for hardware, servers, and the on-site IT team that keeps the systems running. Not to mention, this space would need adequate ventilation, electricity, and wiring, and would need to be regularly maintained for humidity control and temperature regulation. With cloud-based systems, you could free up all this space (and save yourself a little time) by instead relying on vendors who have highly-secure biometric access devices and specialized hardware designed for commercial purposes. Any extra security will be the responsibility of the vendor.

Better Performance and Time Management

Deploying a cloud-based solution takes virtually no time at all compared to on-site systems. By their nature, cloud-based systems can be used across multiple regions, subsidiaries, and divisions without coming with additional costs. You won’t need additional hardware or extra time procuring and installing IT infrastructure and VPN access at multiple sites. With a cloud-based system, you do not have to worry about upgrading or accommodating additional users as your business grows. Unlike on-site systems, cloud-based systems are explicitly designed to maximize network performance and adapt to your needs. In the past, on-site systems could never keep up with business growth, and would thus regularly require more hardware installations and more IT department members once the original server maxed out its capacity.

Cloud-based platforms will often save you time and money, but you must be sure that the platform, software, and applications can all work together cohesively. Keep in mind that not all software-as-a-service applications will successfully integrate with existing platforms or apps on site. Fortunately, cloud-based models like SaaS are more accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes, since they make most business tools easier than ever to use. When you opt for SaaS and PaaS, your services provider takes on your original responsibilities of maintaining security, performance, and availability, making these systems more reliably secure and worry-free. If you’re expecting to keep up with the competition in 2019, it’s safe to say that SaaS is the only way to go. Contact us today and see how we can help take your business to the next level.

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