Grocery Temperature Monitoring & Safety

Grocery Temperature Monitoring: How Your Food is Kept Safe

Without temperature monitoring, the foods you buy at your local grocery store would be hotbeds for dangerous bacteria. The kind of bacteria that can lead to serious illnesses and multiple infections. Fortunately, there are food safety standards in place at every step of the production chain to minimize risks. This is true at grocery stores

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Food Safety Temperature Monitoring Safety Violations

Food Safety Temperature Monitoring – How to Avoid Safety Violations

Temperature monitoring is an essential part of maintaining the quality of any product affected by a shift in temperature. For vaccine distribution, that means keeping temperatures low in transit. In food distribution, it can mean something entirely different depending on the circumstance. Monitoring food safety temperature should be done at all stages of a product’s lifespan.

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Importance of Vaccine Temperature Monitoring

The Importance of Vaccine Temperature Monitoring in 2021

Vaccine temperature monitoring is crucial when it comes to storing any vaccine. Storing the vaccine properly protects its ultimate potency. Think about it this way, nobody wants a vaccine that doesn’t have full capability. COVID-19 is rampant in America. It is important now more than ever to make sure that all vaccines are in their

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Guide to Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping

Your Ultimate Guide to Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping

Drug manufacturers suffer billions of dollars in losses each year by failing to keep medicines and vaccines at correct temperatures. This does not even include costs for resupplying the drugs.  Temperatures can exceed recommended ranges anywhere along the supply chain. Proper pharmaceutical temperature mapping prevents these temperature fluctuations.  As a result, manufacturers save billions of dollars in ruined

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Wi-Fi Temperature Monitoring

What Is Wi-Fi Temperature Monitoring?

You have just received an extra shipment of vaccines, and you couldn’t be more excited to start administering them to an ever more health-conscious public. The question is, how do you know that the vaccines have been kept at the right temperatures for safe use? The reality is, the temperatures that you expose vaccines to

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Storage of Vaccines: A Guide to Vaccine Temperature Monitoring

Storage of Vaccines: A Guide to Vaccine Temperature Monitoring

As the world faces more threats from viruses than ever and scientists work diligently to create vaccines to help people against these diseases, it’s more important than ever to understand the proper storage of vaccines. Vaccines save lives by preventing people from getting diseases such as the flu, but their efficacy only works if they

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Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping

Pharmaceutical Temperature Mapping: Why Is It Needed?

The Biopharma industry loses about $35 billion annually due to temperature control failures. Does your business produce or handle pharmaceutical products? How confident do you feel in your refrigeration or freezer equipment? It’s important for all biopharma companies to do regular temperature mapping. This decreases lost revenue and the risk of selling harmful or ineffective drugs. Continue

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pharmaceutical temperature monitoring

Keep Your Medications Safe: All About Pharmaceutical Temperature Monitoring

Time and experience have taught most of us that monitoring the temperature helps keep our medications safe and effective. In fact, pharmaceutical temperature monitoring has become a mandatory measure that the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) and the International Council on Harmonisation (ICH) require. Both the FDA and ICH require medications to have a temperature monitoring

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Temperature Fluctuations Affect Your Forensic Laboratory

Evidence Management: How Temperature Fluctuations Affect Your Forensic Laboratory

It’s a common enough B-movie trope to see a piece of lab equipment fail and disaster to result. Of course, in a film the equipment fails in a spectacular fashion after being struck by lightning or perhaps random acid drips on it from above. In the real world, equipment is far better shielded, unfortunately, it

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Temperature Control in Fertility Labs

What Is Temperature Control in Fertility Labs and Why Is It Important?

At least one million babies were born in the U.S. through IVF or other assisted reproductive technology from 1987-2015. Such a successful number comes down to a variety of factors, including temperature. What is temperature control and how does it affect IVF and other fertility labs? It plays a big role in fostering embryo development. Changes in

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